Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wii Fit Bundle

A Review Of The Nintendo Wii Fit Bundle

Executive Summary about Wii Fit Bundle by Malene Gardner

A couple of days ago, I made the hard decision of getting the Nintendo Wii Fit Bundle. When the package arrived, I couldn't contain my excitement. After all, the Wii Fit is the latest groundbreaking workout equipment out there nowadays!

The Nintendo Wii Fit Bundle

 As I unravel my Nintendo Wii Fit package carefully, I realized that numerous items are included. There's the Nintendo Wii game console (other than just the bundle itself), the Wii Fit Balance Board and a series of other accessories including the console stand, remote for the games console, nunchuck, AV adapter & cables. Included with the balance board is a disc which contains activities or exercises such as the yoga, body balance, muscle building and aerobic exercises and routines. My Wii game console also came with 5 Wii Sports games for Bowling, Tennis, Baseball, Boxing and Golf.

Now, you'll need the game console before you can capitalize on the Wii Fit system. When I was first planning my purchase, I realized that many packages were selling at much reduced prices all over the cyberspace. You're just paying for the bundle. If you don't have the Wii game console, the more economical choice will be to go for the full system as merchants tend to package the bundle with it at a more irresistible price.

My Workout Experience On the Wii Fit

After setting up the Wii Fit system, I started exercising on it with a heart rate monitor strapped on my wrist. The soccer heading game was a disappointment and didn't even increase my heart rate above the minimum. And when I analyzed my statistics across activities such as the Yoga, Strength Training, Aerobic and Balance, the aerobic section stood out. My favourite by far was the Hula Hoop game.

As I tried to balance myself, keeping all the hoops in the air while grabbing some more, my pulse was raised to 172bpm. Not only was it a good exercise, it was pretty interesting and enjoyable too. Perhaps you may be asking "So, do you think the Wii Fit is a good way to reduce weight?" Personally I don't think the Wii Fit can really help to reduce much weight since the activities aren't much of a fat burner. Life-style and play.

The Wii Fit Bundle Secret Unlocked - Your Guide to Finding a Wii Fit Bundle Today

Executive Summary about Wii Fit Bundle by Mark Southy

The Wii Fit is the latest release for the Nintendo Wii to cause a huge stir among consumers. The game contains 4 different types of exercises for players to complete: Yoga, Balance Games, Aerobic Exercises, and Strength Training. Since most of these exercises require the balance board, Wii Fit Bundles are in high demand. The Wii Fit Bundle includes the game along with the Wii Balance Board. Unless a pre-order of the Wii Fit Bundle was made, it's very difficult to locate the bundle in stores.

With the Wii Fit, you can have fun and exercise at the same time. With many people struggling to find time to exercise, the Wii Fit allows users to spend twenty to thirty minutes a day participating in engaging and enjoyable activities. Unless you happen to run across a store that just got Wii Fit bundles in stock, it will likely be hard to start your training program for a few weeks.

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