Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wii Price

Wii Price - Find The Best Price For Buying a Wii

Executive Summary about Wii Price by Wendy Hearn

At just under $250, Nintendo's Wii console is by far the best value games console on the market. The Wii has been on our shop shelves for over a year now. Arguably the second most notable thing about the Wii is the price. Both the PS3 and XBox 360 do offer better graphics and larger memories, but neither provides the Wii's unique style of gameplay.

The Wii ships with everything you need to get gaming. You get the console, a controller, the cables for hooking it up your TV, and a sports games package to get you started. For example, if you are a HDTV owner you will need the Wii Component Video Cable, which retails for about $30. An extra controller (essential for two-player games) will cost about another $30, while the Wii Nunchuk Controllers sell for around the $20 dollar mark.

The Nunchuk Controllers aren't essential but you do need them to get the most out of certain games. Also, the Wii controllers, being remote, run on AA batteries and drain them notoriously quickly. Finally, you will probably also want some extra memory (the Wii comes with only 512MB internal memory) for some games. Despite all these extra expenses, the Wii is still a great buy.

Nintendo Wii Price - Where To Find Nintendo Wii at a Bargain Price

If you're looking for a good Nintendo Wii price, now that the Christmas rush is over you should be able to pick up some good deals on games consoles. Out of the three heavy hitters out there - the Sony PlayStation 3, the XBox 360 and the Nintendo Wii - the Nintendo Wii appears to offer by far the best value for money.

Extras you may want to add to the basic price include and extra controller (about $30), and extra Nunchuk Controller (about $20), extra memory (about $25) and a charging station/battery recharger for the remote controller (about $25). As you can see, the cost of owning a Wii is more expensive than the retail price suggests. It may be a good idea to price the accessories you need online first to get an idea of the overall cost.

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