Friday, August 7, 2009

Can You Get Free Wii Points?

Can You Get Free Wii Points?

Executive Summary about Free Wii Points by Andy L Gross

This is a great question, "can you get free Wii points?" I had the same question so I did a little research and found that yes you can, but not without a little work. There are a few sites on the web that do pay out in points. I said a few because there is also a lot of fake sites that just want your information or want your credit card information.

Most of the sites are more or less the same so I am going to do an overview of the process. Every single site is going to have you sign up for an account. There are a few reasons that they like you to sign up.

1. The companies that they are working with are only looking to do marketing in section areas. So your city and state will direct what companies they will send your way.
2. They want to know that you are a real person and not a program.
3. Most sites would like to have your info on the system so that they have it when they need to send you your free stuff.

After you have an account, all they want you to do is fill out surveys. Each survey is worth so many points. After you collect X amount of points you can go shopping and use your points in their store to get Wii points and more. I personally have done this and have been very happy. It doesn't take very much work to fill out the surveys and in my case most of the time I received my free stuff in about a week or two. If you do want to try it out I have enclosed the links to a free guide below.

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