Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nintendo Wii Previews

Nintendo Wii Previews - Everything You Need to Know

Executive Summary about Nintendo Wii Previews by Liat Nachman

The Advantages:

Design Features: Nintendo Wii previews reveal how truly innovative the controller design system is. With its motion sensitive and detection options, it brings a new level and experience to playing video games. Nintendo GameCube games are also compatible with the new system. Another handy feature of the system is the built in SD card reader.

The Gaming Experience: The gaming experience is truly awesome. Instead of holding a controller like a traditional video game, you actually get to play out the interactions as if you were in the video game itself.

For instance, if you are playing a sports game, you get to make the movements like you were playing the sport itself. This allows you to actually get a good workout and have fun at the same time. This is all made possible with the Wiimote. How would you like to swing a light saber like a Jedi when playing Star Wars? How would you like to play a guitar? It even allows you to connect the portable Nintendo DS system and play games like Pokemon Battle Revolution.

The Disadvantages:

Battery Life - This is something you don't hear about in Nintendo Wii previews. Before the introduction of the Nintendo Wii system, gamers never had to worry about battery life. The main system only comes with one Wiimote so if you want to play games with friends, you will need to buy another rone.

Graphics, Sounds Media - This is where the competition destroys Nintendo. The Nintendo Wii simply cannot compete with the Microsoft Xbox 360 or the Sony Playstation 3 when it comes down to graphics in the gaming world. You also cannot play any CDs or any DVDs on the system as well unlike the competition.

So now that you know the advantages and disadvantages when it comes to looking at Nintendo wii previews, you can make a decision for yourself as to whether this is a gaming system you would like to own.

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