Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wii Fitness

Nintendo Wii Fitness With Wii Fit

Executive Summary about Wii Fitness by Karen Bennett

Wii Fit will help to keep you physically fit via a dedicated peripheral - a wireless balance board which comes with the game. There are over 40 different activities, in 4 categories: aerobics, yoga, muscle conditioning and balance games. In addition, there will be various mini games including hula hooping, ski jumping and heading soccer balls.


The training which includes step aerobics, muscle conditioning, yoga and balance games allows players to assign their height to a profile, to measure body mass index and Wii fitness age as well as monitor progress and record performance statistics.

Mini Games

The hula hooping consists of, as you'd expect, gyrating your hips with a virtual hoop onscreen and then as the game progresses, characters will throw more hoops for you to catch and rotate as many times as you can until the time runs out.

The skiing game gives you two chances to make the longest jump you can whilst keeping your balance when landing. For the Football game, you will need to balance on the board moving from side to side whilst balls are fired at you to hit back on to the field and avoiding other objects that are thrown at you at the same time.

Wii Balance Board - essentially, a slim, white scale with built-in gyroscopic technology that very accurately measures weight and how your balance shifts as you move on it and posture. The Balance Board looks a little larger than a set of bathroom scales and contains pressure sensors that detect when the user leans, moves or jumps in time with the action on screen.

The calorie busting fun is expected appeal to couch potato kids as well as traditionally non-gamers, perhaps using the Nintendo Wii as a slimming tool which would be a move into the lifestyle category, covering the market from another angle. Wii Fit is due to be released on 25th May 2008 and is set to be yet another hot seller from Nintendo.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wii Consoles And The Wii Fit In Stock

Finding Places That Have Wii Consoles And The Wii Fit In Stock

The Wii consoles developed by Nintendo have proven to be among the most popular modern gaming consoles ever to be developed. Incorporating the latest in motion sensing technology, Wii consoles can now be found in a large majority of households worldwide. Among the most popular games created for this console is the Wii Fit.

The Wii Fit incorporates a balance board that makes use of various games to promote fitness among its users. Gamers make use of the balance board to shift their weight around in accordance with various games on their television screens. The Wii Fit gets gamers on their feet and performing exercises, thus helping them stay fit. This has led to the Wii Fit becoming so popular that it is often hard to find the Wii Fit in stock even in major electronics retail stores that sell Wii consoles and games.

In fact, the Wii Fit has become so popular that many people have an extremely hard time finding the Wii Fit in stock. The same goes for Wii consoles, but to a lesser extent. Nintendo has been finding it hard to keep up with the demand for Wii consoles and Wii games, and there is a shortage of Wii consoles and games worldwide. Wii consoles are great gaming consoles to have at home, however, thanks to the method of gameplay that they utilize.

The Wii controllers have motion sensors in them, and players use actual motions to play games. Playing a Wii golf game, for example, involves swinging the Wii controller in the same way you would swing a golf club. This makes playing on the Wii an extremely fun experience. This makes Wii consoles excellent presents as well, as anyone would be delighted to receive a Wii console as a present. With the overall demand for the Wii console and Wii Fit so high, where can you go to find Wii consoles and the Wii Fit in stock?

At WiiCompare, you will not only find a list of sites with the Wii console and the Wii Fit in stock, you will also find a price comparison chart that will allow you to choose the best deal available. If you have had trouble finding a Wii console and the Wii Fit in stock so far, then you need look no further than this extremely useful website.

The Launch of The Wii Fit Balance Board

The Wii Fit Balance Board is a clever device that is pressure sensitive and detects shifts in balance in any direction. You put it in front of your TV, step on and use it to interact with the varied activities. The great thing about it it's wireless, so there's no chance of you tripping over a cable and picking up an injury. Its due to be released on the 25th April 2008 and is expected to be a great hit with all ages and lots of pre-orders have been taken. Its sure to be a best seller this Christmas.

Wii Fit is the first Nintendo Wii game specifically design to help gamers get into shape. It features over 40 different activities separated into four training categories of Muscle Workouts, Aerobic Exercises, Yoga and Balance, each one designed to test you in a different way. They'll help you burn fat, condition and tone muscles and increase aerobic stamina.

Nintendo has said it has at least ten games in development that support the board and not just fitness games either. Fighting and Sports games can also take advantage of the unique balance-based interface. Use the Wii Balance Board for daily Wii Fit tests: Tests offered by the Wii Fit evaluate two key measures that everyone can track via progress charts:

Body Mass Index (BMI): A weight evaluation based on a ratio of weight to height. Wii Fit Age: The Wii Fit Age is measured by factoring the user's BMI reading, testing the Wii Fit user's center of gravity and conducting quick balance tests. The Wii Fit is designed to appeal to all members of a household and training falls into four fitness categories:

Aerobic Exercise: Wii Fit's 10-minute exercises are designed to get the heart pumping.
Muscle Conditioning: Wii Fit features controlled motions using arms, legs and other body parts.
Yoga Poses: Classic poses in Wii Fit focus on balance and stretching.
Balance Games: Wii Fit features fun activities, such as heading soccer balls and ski jumping, that challenge the Wii Fit player's overall body balance.

The Wii balance board has a weight limit of 136kg so if you want to use it and your already over that weight you'll have to start loosing weight now!! Once your down to the weight limit and you start using the wii fit board im sure the weight will drop off you and you'll be as fit as a butchers dog!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Wii Balance Board

The Wii Balance Board Story

Executive Summary about Wii Balance Board by Martin Graftt

In the run-up to the launch of Wii Fit, the Nintendo marketing machine went into overdrive and the buzz surrounding the game was phenomenal but what many people seemed to miss was the real innovation behind the game, namely the Wii Balance Board.

Described by some as a glorified bathroom scale, this amazing peripheral is as revolutionary as the Wii Remote was when it was first launched, and like the Wii Remote, it will have Microsoft and Sony playing catch-up as they try to bring the same functionality to their consoles. When the excitement of Wii Fit dies down, it will be the Wii Balance Board that's remembered as the device that took gaming to the next level.

A Scale For Miyamoto-san

Before you can understand the thinking behind the balance board you need to take a step back to understand the original vision that resulted in the need for such a peripheral. That vision was thanks to Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo's Senior Managing Director. As the driving force behind games such as Pikmin and Nintendogs, Shigeru developed a reputation for creating games based on his personal hobbies. Wii Fit is no exception as the original concept for the game came from his interest in weighing himself and recording his weight on a daily basis.

Two Scales Are Better That One

Progress on the game was slow until one of the developers brought in two scales after seeing how Sumo wrestlers have to use two scales to weigh themselves and the team suddenly realised that it was quite fun trying to balance evenly on both of them. It was at this point that measuring balance became the central theme of Wii Fit and the team started to consider using balancing exercises as a means of keeping fit.

Initial talks with scale manufacturers received little support and the team soon realised that they would have to develop their own device. It would also have to be more functional than an ordinary scale and so the idea developed of it measuring balance on four points. At this stage the team started to realise that it could be more than just a scale but actually a game interface.

Circles, Squares And Octagons

Once the overall concept of the balance board had been decided and that it would contain four sensors, work began on figuring out the optimum shape and size of the board together with the way it communicated with the Wii console. The second major challenge was deciding how the balance board would communicate with the Wii console. Eventually it was decided to rebuild the Wii Remote's wireless component from scratch to create a wireless module that could be built into the board itself.

What's Next For The Wii Balance Board?

Several members of the Wii Balance Board development team admitted that at first, they never really understood Shigeru Miyamoto's vision for such a device. Even before Wii Fit was launched globally there was talk internally of possible Wiiware titles and even the possibility of a balance board version of Nintendo 1080? Snowboarding.

Fortunately for balance board fans, developers like Namco, EA Sports and Ubisoft have already committed to releasing exciting new titles in 2008. In fact, Namco's We Ski was already available with the launch of Wii Fit. Games like EA Skate It and Shaun White Snowboarding have been confirmed and more games are in the works. One thing is for sure and that is that Nintendo's latest innovation, the Wii Balance Board, has a bright future.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wii Accessories

Nintendo Wii Accessories: How Does it Effect The Gameplay?

Nintendo Wii is a ground breaking Console. The Wii's popularity comes from the fact that it gives the gamers interactive play, with the game as well as much needed exercise,never seen before. All age groups are finding themselves using the Nintendo Wii and the accessories that go with it.

For A Complete Gamer Experience

The purchase of the Nintendo Wii includes a Nunchuck, which is the Wii remote, and the Wii sports gaming pack. There are a range of other accessories that are also available that can increase your enjoyment of this wonderful gaming console. You can also have up to 4 controllers at the same time. There are a lot of different Nintendo Wii accessories, based on the game play needed. Different games have different accessories to increase the game play.

Enter the Wii Zapper

What the Wii zapper does is integrate the Nunchuck and the standard Wii remote, making it look like a gun with a trigger. The Wii zapper also comes with Link's crossbow training. This add on of the Nintendo Wii accessories can be used with games like House of The Dead, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, and Medal of Honor

Wii Perfect Shot Gun

Wii accessories manufacturer Nyko came up with a controller that looks like the traditional handgun. You just have to attach the Wii remote to activate the B button to start playing.

Nintendo Wii Front Man Wireless Guitar

This wireless guitar allows the wannabe rocker to party like a top rock start using the guitar hero III game. The best part is there are no wires to get caught up in. But if you want to get the best from you Nintendo Wii accessories, then get Legends of Rock Bundle and you will transfer yourself into your own rockstar. Nintendo Wii on its own, is a power console. Combine it with great accessories that are available and you are onto a winner. Its great to see other companies creating add ons to the game to increase the enjoyment of it.

Wii Accessories and The Nintendo Wii Classic Controller

The Nintendo Wii is one of the most entertaining and innovative gaming systems that are available for purchase. Despite the fact that it was released a number of years ago may people are still flocking to the store by the dozen to purchase one for themselves. Whether you have recently purchased your Nintendo Wii or you have had it since it was first released, there is one thing you can do to make your gaming experience even more entertaining. By purchasing Wii accessories you can drastically change the overall feel of your favorite games. Most Wii accessories are reasonably priced so it will be easy to justify purchasing them. Head to your local electronics store to see if there is a Wii accessory pack to keep you entertained.

Different Types Of Wii Accessories

One of the most popular Wii accessories that can be purchased is the Nintendo Wii Classic Controller. When you buy the Wii gaming system one of these controllers is included in the box. However, if you want to play any multiplayer games you will need to purchase additional controllers. The Nintendo Wii classic controller includes a built in speaker and vibrates to correspond with game events. The Nintendo Will Classic Controller come with standard batteries.

If you get tired of having to constantly replace these batteries you can purchase Wii accessories that were specially designed to act as charging stations for your Nintendo Wii classic controllers. For those that enjoy playing driving games on the Nintendo Wii you will want to make sure you purchase the Wii Wheel. This fun Wii accessory allows users to place their remote controller into the center of the wheel and then steer the vehicle with the wheel. The great thing about the Wii Wheel is that there are no cables to get tangled up like previous driving wheels that were available for gaming systems. You may quickly notice that over time you collect a number of Wii accessories.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wii Fit Bundle

A Review Of The Nintendo Wii Fit Bundle

Executive Summary about Wii Fit Bundle by Malene Gardner

A couple of days ago, I made the hard decision of getting the Nintendo Wii Fit Bundle. When the package arrived, I couldn't contain my excitement. After all, the Wii Fit is the latest groundbreaking workout equipment out there nowadays!

The Nintendo Wii Fit Bundle

 As I unravel my Nintendo Wii Fit package carefully, I realized that numerous items are included. There's the Nintendo Wii game console (other than just the bundle itself), the Wii Fit Balance Board and a series of other accessories including the console stand, remote for the games console, nunchuck, AV adapter & cables. Included with the balance board is a disc which contains activities or exercises such as the yoga, body balance, muscle building and aerobic exercises and routines. My Wii game console also came with 5 Wii Sports games for Bowling, Tennis, Baseball, Boxing and Golf.

Now, you'll need the game console before you can capitalize on the Wii Fit system. When I was first planning my purchase, I realized that many packages were selling at much reduced prices all over the cyberspace. You're just paying for the bundle. If you don't have the Wii game console, the more economical choice will be to go for the full system as merchants tend to package the bundle with it at a more irresistible price.

My Workout Experience On the Wii Fit

After setting up the Wii Fit system, I started exercising on it with a heart rate monitor strapped on my wrist. The soccer heading game was a disappointment and didn't even increase my heart rate above the minimum. And when I analyzed my statistics across activities such as the Yoga, Strength Training, Aerobic and Balance, the aerobic section stood out. My favourite by far was the Hula Hoop game.

As I tried to balance myself, keeping all the hoops in the air while grabbing some more, my pulse was raised to 172bpm. Not only was it a good exercise, it was pretty interesting and enjoyable too. Perhaps you may be asking "So, do you think the Wii Fit is a good way to reduce weight?" Personally I don't think the Wii Fit can really help to reduce much weight since the activities aren't much of a fat burner. Life-style and play.

The Wii Fit Bundle Secret Unlocked - Your Guide to Finding a Wii Fit Bundle Today

Executive Summary about Wii Fit Bundle by Mark Southy

The Wii Fit is the latest release for the Nintendo Wii to cause a huge stir among consumers. The game contains 4 different types of exercises for players to complete: Yoga, Balance Games, Aerobic Exercises, and Strength Training. Since most of these exercises require the balance board, Wii Fit Bundles are in high demand. The Wii Fit Bundle includes the game along with the Wii Balance Board. Unless a pre-order of the Wii Fit Bundle was made, it's very difficult to locate the bundle in stores.

With the Wii Fit, you can have fun and exercise at the same time. With many people struggling to find time to exercise, the Wii Fit allows users to spend twenty to thirty minutes a day participating in engaging and enjoyable activities. Unless you happen to run across a store that just got Wii Fit bundles in stock, it will likely be hard to start your training program for a few weeks.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wii Bundle

A Nintendo Wii Bundle Is a One Stop Shop

Executive Summary about Wii Bundle by Michelle Bery

By now you have certainly heard of the revolutionary new video game platform, the Nintendo Wii. The Wii controller is a wireless remote control that senses movements in three dimensions. Purchased by itself, the Wii comes with a remote control – officially called a Wiimote – and a Nunchuk controller; an analog joystick that attaches to the Wiimote using a long cable.

Most important, the Wii includes Wii Sports, a game that lets you test your skills on the golf course, baseball diamond, bowling alley, boxing ring, and tennis court; it is the perfect platform to demonstrate the things the Wii can do.

However, for those who want to see all the Wii is capable of doing, then you need more than the basic offerings, and a Nintendo Wii Bundle can deliver precisely that. A Nintendo Wii Bundle is a package deal that is available at various retailers such as Gamestop, EB Games, and Wal-Mart. A typical Nintendo Wii Bundle includes all the basics that accompany a basic Wii purchase, but with many valuable extras.

For example, the Nintendo Wii bundle available at Gamestop includes additional memory, an additional remote control, a twelve month product replacement plan, and 6 additional games; Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Trauma Center: Second Opinion, Red Steel, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, and Madden NFL 2007.

The Nintendo Wii Bundle from Wal-Mart, and other retailers, follows a similar vein, but the included games can vary. For example, Wal-Mart offered four additional games in their Nintendo Wii bundle, and at a lower price that reflects the fewer included game titles. A Nintendo Wii bundle is the perfect way to begin experiencing the fun and excitement the Wii has to offer.

Depending on where you shop you might find that the Nintendo Wii bundle has been a hot seller and is currently not being offered. However, careful and thorough shopping will let you find a Nintendo Wii bundle deal that is available and with a selection of games that fits your needs and budget.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wii System

Looking To Buy A Wii? Where To Find A Wii System

Executive Summary about Wii System by Sue Calhoun

Trying to buy a Wii for the holidays? It's going to be rough going. Nintendo did not manufacture more systems in anticipation of the holiday crunch, and the Nintendo Wii turned out to be such a popular item, that stores everywhere are running out.

If you are trying to find out where to buy a Wii, the best place is always online. Sellers from just about anywhere can offer Wii game systems at competitive prices, and you have a choice of more sellers than at your local mall.

Figuring out where to buy a Wii online can be confusing though. Here are some quick tips to make sure you buy a Wii online safely, and aren't disappointed for the holidays:

- Use a well-known auction service like eBay. Don't shop through an unknown channel.

- Use a reliable payment service, like PayPal. PayPal is owned by eBay, and has excellent buyer protection programs if you pay using them. If you can use a credit card or bank account through PayPal, you are better protected than if you mail a check or money order. Most sellers ship faster too for online payment.

- Buy a Wii system from a seller with a high rating, and with several hundred sales under the belt at least. On eBay you can see seller feedback from other buyers, you can see approximately how many items they've sold (by the feedback count) and there are rankings according to how much positive feedback the seller has.

- Compare prices for sold systems. You can see prices for closed auctions on eBay so you know what the systems are going for. Generally, prices will be a little cheaper than you'll find in retail stores.

- Make sure the item you are bidding on has all the accessories and pieces you want. Does it have all the controllers, software, and cables? Is it "new in box"? Do you need a single system, or a bundle, with two controllers and nunchucks?

- Buy from a seller with a cash-back return policy. If your system doesn't measure up, you want to have the choice to get a refund.

- Ask questions before bidding. Get your answer before bidding so you don't win an auction you didn't want to win.

Use these special tips to make sure you buy a Nintendo Wii system you or your family is looking for this holiday season!

Wii Price

Wii Price - Find The Best Price For Buying a Wii

Executive Summary about Wii Price by Wendy Hearn

At just under $250, Nintendo's Wii console is by far the best value games console on the market. The Wii has been on our shop shelves for over a year now. Arguably the second most notable thing about the Wii is the price. Both the PS3 and XBox 360 do offer better graphics and larger memories, but neither provides the Wii's unique style of gameplay.

The Wii ships with everything you need to get gaming. You get the console, a controller, the cables for hooking it up your TV, and a sports games package to get you started. For example, if you are a HDTV owner you will need the Wii Component Video Cable, which retails for about $30. An extra controller (essential for two-player games) will cost about another $30, while the Wii Nunchuk Controllers sell for around the $20 dollar mark.

The Nunchuk Controllers aren't essential but you do need them to get the most out of certain games. Also, the Wii controllers, being remote, run on AA batteries and drain them notoriously quickly. Finally, you will probably also want some extra memory (the Wii comes with only 512MB internal memory) for some games. Despite all these extra expenses, the Wii is still a great buy.

Nintendo Wii Price - Where To Find Nintendo Wii at a Bargain Price

If you're looking for a good Nintendo Wii price, now that the Christmas rush is over you should be able to pick up some good deals on games consoles. Out of the three heavy hitters out there - the Sony PlayStation 3, the XBox 360 and the Nintendo Wii - the Nintendo Wii appears to offer by far the best value for money.

Extras you may want to add to the basic price include and extra controller (about $30), and extra Nunchuk Controller (about $20), extra memory (about $25) and a charging station/battery recharger for the remote controller (about $25). As you can see, the cost of owning a Wii is more expensive than the retail price suggests. It may be a good idea to price the accessories you need online first to get an idea of the overall cost.

Discount Wii Games

Executive Summary about Discount Wii by Matthew Brandon

To some, the quest for finding the best Wii game deals is very tedious. A better method would be to rent your favorite Wii games online. The number one benefit is definitely convenience; these online video game rental companies have made the process very easy.

As a customer you go online and choose your favorite Wii games from their database, then the company ships the games to you. When you say you are finished playing the game, you simply place the Wii game back into the pre-paid envelope and mail it back.

Soon after the company will send you another Wii game from you list. If you want to bring that game back, the trade in value is plain robbery. With renting your Wii games versus buying them, you don't have to worry about that.

So if you are a true gamer and you are currently searching for the best discounts on Wii games, then you should try renting your games from an online service.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Free Wii

Free Wii - Is It Possible To Get A Free Nintendo Wii?

Executive Summary about Free Wii by Kelly Stone

Just about everyone I know wants a Nintendo Wii. Nintendo Wii's are hot, hot, hot right now and I know that I want one just as much as everyone else, so where can I get one and where is the best place to try and get a Nintendo Wii for free?

I searched the whole net looking for promotions of the Nintendo Wii, I wanted to find give away competitions where I stood a chance of winning one. Something that I never thought of before.

There are lots of places online that you can either purchase a Wii for a fantastic price or enter to win a Nintendo Wii for free. I know that I didn't win, but it confirms to me that it's possible to win and to get a Nintendo wii for free.

Free Wii Games - Are You Missing Out?

Executive Summary about Free Wii by Herb Peterson

Free Wii games could be the one thing everyone has been waiting for. Maybe free Wii Games will convince them otherwise? The Wii is a revolutionary piece of hardware, and I think the next generation of Xbox and Playstation will probably have borrowed heavily from the novel controls and interaction methods.

That being said, as revolutionary as the Wii may be, the expensive games are hardly at revolutionary prices. Check out our guide to free Wii Games and how to get them:

As with many games consoles these days it's possible to download free games using just your computer and an internet connection. It's actually illegal to download free Wii games from most of these places.

You may need to get your Wii modded in order to get these "free" Wii games to work. If you do have your mind set on playing free wii games however, it's not all bad. If you can stomach the idea of opening your Wii up and getting it modded, you will then be perfectly free to browse and download the hundreds of homebrew games available at various places online.

You've seen that free Wii games can be a reality if you know where to look, so hopefully you'll put this knowledge to use.

Nintendo Wii Price

Finding The Best Nintendo Wii Price Today

Executive Summary about Nintendo Wii Price by Millard Hiner

Nintendo Wii prices don't really seem to fluctuate. They change depending on if they are in a bundle package or if they are used. Otherwise expect to pay the full Nintendo Wii price. Great places to find a Wii are your local Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart and Toys R Us.

Finding the best Nintendo Wii price today isn't as easy as one might think. There are lots of packages you can purchase that includes a set of games, the Wii and a controller that really give you the best deal but may not be what you are looking for.

If you do want to purchase in a bundle then look at those prices as well. When deciding to purchase a Wii one must also figure out whether they will need an extra controller or any particular games.

Now if you were thinking that you can find a friend who works at one of these stores to buy the game console for you I'm going to disappoint you by telling you that these stores don't give any discount for the game consoles to their employees.

The cost of the Wii is $250 plus taxes. It really just depends if you are planning on using the games offered in the bundle. Call your local Target, Walmart, Toys R Us, and Circuit City in the mornings to see if they even have the Wii in and to find out the Wii prices.

The best thing about purchasing the Wii at Best Buy is that they offer a warranty plan on their electronics that extends past the warranty that Nintendo offers. You can purchase the Nintendo Wii through any trusted 3rd party seller directly at Amazon or eBay. Sometimes you can find the Wii at game stores as well.

This way you can actually see if the console works before purchasing it. Wii prices are usually still high because it is a popular console. If you go to the game store you can even sell your old console or games and use it as credit towards the Nintendo Wii.

Wii Sales

Finding The Best Wii Sales

Executive Summary about Wii Sales by Pearl White

Are you one of those that is still frantically searching to buy your Wii? The phenomenal growth of Nintendo's Wii has seen a surge in gamer interaction play like at no other time.

There are still reports that the Wii is still in very short supply. So the question is,"Where can I find Wii Sales that are in stock?" First, let me give you a little insight about the Wii that not many people are aware of. Where did the name "Wii" come from?

The name Nintendo does not appear on the console. The "W" in Wii stands for Worldwide and the "ii" characters is meant to resemble two people standing side by side, representing players gathering together as well as to represent the console's controllers.

Okay, now where to find the best Wii Sales?
As we have talked about in the above, the Wii is still in short supply. Finding one in stock at any brick and mortar store is still a pretty difficult challenge.

There are many places online that you can find Wii's on sale. We have found resources where one can find Wii sales that offer brand new, bundled with many extras and full manufacturer warranties.

Some of these Wii systems are bundled with up to 15 extra games, controllers, safety jackets and more. So finding Wii sales is not that difficult.

Wii Mario Cart

Wii Mario Cart - One of The All Time Great Games For Wii

Executive Summary about Wii Mario Cart by Anna

Remaining true to its roots, Wii Mario Cart offers plenty of racing with tons of "power ups" and objects for players to pick up along the way. Kowalski This makes it even easier for beginner Wii Mario Cart players to compete against more experienced players, so no one gets left out.

Also, the broadband hookup to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection allows players to compete with up to 11 other drivers. The game itself includes 16 brand new courses and returns the 16 classic courses from previous Wii Mario Cart versions.

Of course these objects help slow down the competition. There are 10 battle arenas to keep players occupied between trips. A cool feature is how it supports different controller options.

You can use the Wii remote with or without the Wii Wheel. Which makes playing Wii Mario Cart that much more involved. Nintendo's stated purpose for Wii is to help bring people together. You can see how games like Wii Mario Cart are helping to achieve that goal.

Wii – Mario Cart Wii The Most Exiting Game for

Executive Summary about Wii Mario Cart by Angelina Maben

Nintendo Wii is very well known name in the market these days specially in the gaming industry. Even for Wii Fit as well. In short Wii is most famous video game these days. The Mario Cart Wii is the latest addition of Mario cart series. The package itself contains Wii Wheel, which will give you more realistic driving experience. To experience on more realistic games Nintendo has added exciting and amazing additional features in the game.

Mario Cart Wii requires 23 blocks on the player’s wii system, so it’s easy to save game data, but can’t be copied. Well though Mario Cart channel uses 78 blocks, so players can actually copy the channel on to their SD cards. This game provides simultaneous 12 players to play the game and with internet support you can play this game with any other competitor in the world.

Game has wide range of vehicle, karts and bikes selection option which will add more realty in the gaming. Tournament is the most exiting feature of Mario Cart Wii. One mail point to note that you have to keep Game disc in wii and should have 24 hours internet connection turned on before you play. You can play the Tournaments on the Mario Kart Channel, but make sure the Mario Kart Wii disc is in the Wii.

The main available tournaments are VS Race, Time Trial, Numbered Gates, Coin Collecting, Boss Battle, all these have their own functionality. There are many other features like speed boosting which will add more realistic fun in the gaming. It also supports text chat in online multi player mode. All in one Mario Cart Wii is the perfect entertaining game.