Friday, January 15, 2010

Final Fantasy XI

History of Final Fantasy XI

Final Fantasy series is a great set of games. It has become an important part of the history of video games. The Final Fantasy series was created by Japanese companies in 1987, Square Co. The Final Fantasy is their attempt to create a new type of role-playing titles. That's very good, offering a fresh and original role-playing experience.

The strength of Final Fantasy is a strong narrative running throughout the game. The Final Fantasy series flourished and a number of dazzling games followed. The Final Fantasy IV is a brilliant and gripping game.

The second title in the series to be released in North America. The Final Fantasy X used voice acting and beautiful three-dimensional visuals to create their own game world. It's all a strong title and placed a wonderful way for Final Fantasy XI.

Final Fantasy XI has continued sense of innovation that is expected from this series. A very ambitious game. It saw the franchise move into the world of online gaming. Final Fantasy XI is a massively multi-player online role-playing game. Many people have great sense of curiosity about the Final Fantasy XI before the release in 2002.

Images and previews of the game captured people's attention. Special bonus disc included with the release of Final Fantasy X, which contains a trailer for the game. The creator Square Enix also held beta tests for the game to gather players' feedback and improve it. On May 16, 2002 Final Fantasy XI was launched in Japan for the Sony PlayStation 2.

Square Enix responded well to any issues that develop and also released a patch to improve the game. Square Enix adopts an interesting approach to the game, develop and rework even after it has been released. This has enriched the experience of Final Fantasy XI. Final Fantasy XI has established itself as a major presence in online gaming. Final Fantasy XI is a really great game.

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