Friday, July 10, 2009

Wii Consoles

Nintendo Wii Consoles Stand Apart From The Competition

Executive Summary about Wii Consoles by Michelle Bery

In a world full of video games one could easily wonder why anyone would need a new model. Sometimes it seems that the graphics can not get any sharper, the sounds any fuller, and the game play any more realistic. After seeing powerful console after powerful console flood the market, Nintendo realized that it was difficult to compete in a market full of heavyweight, high powered machines.

It was with that strategy in mind that the idea for the Nintendo Wii consoles was born. Despite being the latest and hottest game system on the market, the Nintendo Wii consoles do not take graphics and speed to new levels. Allowing players to control the game through movements, gesturing, swinging, and swiping, the Nintendo Wii consoles take existing game concepts and marry them with an interactive gaming experience.

When playing tennis – on Wii Games – you do not push a joystick to swing the racket, you swing your arm while holding the Wii controller, known officially as the Wiimote. The same goes for all the other games that are designed for the Nintendo Wii consoles. However, part of the appeal of the Nintendo Wii consoles is that they are not designed solely for Nintendo Wii games.

In fact, they are fully compatible with games for the Nintendo GameCube as well. Another impressive element of the Nintendo Wii consoles is that they also have the ability to interface with the Internet – when used in conjunction with a Wi-Fi USB connector. Once online, the Nintendo Wii consoles allow users to surf the Web, shop online, check the news and weather, chat on message boards, and even download Nintendo classics like Donkey Kong, Mario Brothers, and many, many more.

The vision of the Nintendo engineers just a few years ago is a reality today. In the Nintendo Wii consoles that have created a game system that does not try to keep up with others, but instead stands apart from the competition. The video game industry will never be the same.

Nintendo Wii – Wii Consoles Offer Fun For The Whole Family

Have you been looking for a game that your family can participate in? Perhaps you have tried board games but those have not worked out. The problem with such attempts is that adults and children are invariably looking for different things when it comes to games. The answer to that problem comes in the form of the Nintendo Wii, the latest gaming console from game manufacturer Nintendo.

Wii consoles are the latest craze to invade families’ living rooms, as growing numbers of people continue to discover exactly how fun and exciting gaming on a Nintendo Wii can be. The Nintendo Wii is quite unlike other consoles, and it does not utilize traditional controllers with multiple buttons for gameplay. Gameplay is therefore accomplish by swinging the Wii controller around to simulate movements within a game.

Wii consoles are the first consoles to make use of this technology, and it has taken the world by storm. While some hardcore console gamers are reluctant to give up their ‘button mashing’ style of gameplay, the Nintendo Wii is attracting all sorts of gamers who have never had any interests in games before. Many adults scorn the typical console game, dismissing it as a game for children.

With Wii consoles, however, that is no longer the case. Adults and children alike love the challenge and fun of having to swing their Wii controllers around like golf clubs, baseball bats, or even boxing gloves. Another great thing about the Wii consoles is the range of games available for them. Adults, for example, might appreciate the more dignified gameplay of a Wii Sports golf game, while children might prefer the crazed racing-style gameplay of Mario Kart racing, where you turn the Wii controller on its side and treat it like a steering wheel.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of Wii consoles over other consoles, however, is their multiplayer mode. While multiplayer is available in other consoles as well, it is not quite the same as multiplayer mode with a Wii console.
With the Nintendo Wii, however, the controllers communicate with the console wirelessly, so there is no need for cables. You and your partner can stand side by side, moving about as much as you want and swinging the Wii controller to play the game.

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