Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wii Rock Band

Wii Rock Band - The Greatest Video Game Ever

Executive Summary about Wii Rock Band by Johnny Moon

Worth The Money

I recently bought Rock Band for my Nintendo Wii gaming system. I'm not actually a huge video game player so I thought it may be a mistake considering the very high cost of the system (over $180 including tax.) But I am a huge music lover and it looked like fun, so I splurged on it. I'm glad I did. It is easily the best video game ever.

Forget Guitar Hero

I already had Guitar Hero for my Wii. I had played it quite a bit at first but quickly grew bored of it as while it can be fun at first - after awhile it seems pointless as it doesn't have anything to do with playing a real guitar.

Drumming & Singing

For me what makes Wii Rock Band so awesome is the drumming and singing portions. Sure the guitar part can be amusing. But it's the drumming and singing that make it awesome.

Why? Because when you become a good drummer on Wii Rock Band you actually improve your real life drumming abilities. Similarly with the singing part of the game. If you can learn to sing a song on Rock Band at a very high level on the expert setting then you are not merely beating a video game, you are becoming a much better singer who has greatly improved their ability to sing in key.

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