Friday, July 3, 2009

Best Wii Games

Wii Bundle Games - How To Pick The Best Wii Games

Executive Summary about Best Wii Games by Monique Guillory

 Games have really come a long way. I remember when I used to play Mario and Duck Hunt on NES. In those days any game was fun. It is much more fun to swing the bat on a Wii baseball game, than to press a button on a XBox. In saying that I have compiled a simple categorical list that you can go through when looking for the best games to go with your Wii bundle.

1. Graphics

This is what you must look at the entire time you play. Games these days are 3-D, but sometimes because of the added features and lack of computational resources, the graphics can take a hit. So pay close attention to actual game play shots and videos. Try the game out at places like GameStop, Wal-Mart, or other places to see what actual game play graphics looks like.

2. Gameplay

This is almost the most important aspect in which you must judge your potential games. Gameplay gauges whether the game is enjoyable to play or not. Besides actually playing the game before you buy it, pay close attention to game ratings. Usually games with low rating scores have given gamers a bad Gameplay experience.

3. Story

What's the point! This is the question I always ask myself before buying a game. Now personally, I enjoy sport games. The reason is because every time I turn on the Wii and pop my sport games in, I get a different experience (some different happens in every game, rather than playing the same levels every time). Now again this is my preference. You as a gamer must know what you like and what you look for in a story, or plot of a game. If the point to the game stinks to you, then why buy it?

4. Multiplayer

This is not necessarily a rule of thumb for every game, but just in case you have a little brother or something that cries about sharing the playing time, this is an option to consider. Also, you can check and see whether you can play the game online with others, this is also a fun feature to explore.

You should thoroughly evaluate a game before buying it. Marketing teams are paying large amounts of money to entice you to buy their Wii game even though it might stink. You take the time to filter through the mist to find out what the game is really about. Check here, to see top rated Wii games to go with your bundle purchase.

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